
Why is personal insurance important as a parent?

3 MIN READ April 4, 2024
As parents, we all want the best for our children, and part of that is making sure they’re looked after, no matter what life throws our way.


Whether you’re just starting a family or your children are young adults, it’s about ensuring their safety, happiness, and security, even in our absence. Let’s delve into why personal insurance is crucial for parents, to safeguard their family’s future.

Financial security 

The primary role of personal insurance is to protect your family’s financial future. It’s a safety net, providing for your children in case you’re no longer there to do so. When considering personal insurance as a parent, you should ask yourself “How would my family manage without me?” This concern goes beyond just meeting their daily living expenses but extends to maintaining their quality of life now and in the future. Personal insurance can also support long-term goals like your children’s education or helping them purchase their first home. This kind of planning is about offering the best possible life for your children, even in your absence.

Replacing lost income 

Life is unpredictable. Illness, injury, or other unforeseen circumstances can suddenly limit your ability to work and provide for your family. This is where income protection and trauma insurance come into play. Income protection insurance offers financial support, replacing a portion of your income if you’re unable to work. Trauma insurance, on the other hand, provides a lump sum if you’re diagnosed with a specified illness or injury, These are typically serious and it’s likely you’ll need time off work, have medical costs and other extra expenses like modifications to your home or additional childcare costs to pay. These covers ensure your family maintains their lifestyle even when you’re unable to contribute financially.

Clearing debts and expenses

Debts, unfortunately, don’t disappear with you. In the event of your absence, the responsibility of clearing debts can heavily burden your family. Personal insurance, such as life insurance, can be instrumental in managing these obligations. It ensures that your largest debts, like a mortgage, aren’t a source of financial strain for your family. Additionally, it can be used to cover funeral expenses and ongoing costs like childcare, alleviating financial stresses during challenging times.

Access to medical treatment

As parents, we all want our children to be happy and healthy, while also keeping ourselves in good health for their sake. If we are sick or in pain and have to wait for treatment, it can affect our ability to play with our kids, pick them up, and hug them. It may also cause changes in mood or energy levels. Unfortunately, our public health system is under tremendous pressure, and accessing medical treatment is harder than ever. Medical insurance allows you to bypass public waiting lists and access the best treatments available so you can get back to being a supportive, active and engaged parent.

Ultimately, the most significant benefit of personal insurance for parents is the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that your children and family will be cared for, no matter what happens, is invaluable.  Speaking to a Haven Financial Adviser can help you understand what cover and how much is suitable for you and your family. They’ll help ensure you have a strong plan in place giving you security that your children and family are taken care of, no matter what happens.

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