
Signs you need a business adviser

3 MIN READ October 7, 2019
Whether you’re managing an innovative start-up or you’re thriving in your own existing business, it always pays to check in every now and then.

Even if you think you’re doing well, it doesn’t hurt to sit down and get a different perspective on how you can continue on a successful path.

So how do you know if you need a business adviser?

Sign #1: You don’t have a business plan
Every business should already have a plan in place for how they’re going to build and sustain the company and its success. If it’s slipped under the radar and you’re making it up as you go along, you’ll need some help creating something solid that encompasses your goals and shows you a clear path to reach them.

Sign #2: You need more accountability
If you are making it up as you go, you’re also more likely to let things slide. If you have goals in place, you need to hold yourself accountable for achieving them. Checking in with a business adviser means that someone else knows your plans and will be working with you to ensure you’re working to the best of your ability.

Sign #3: You feel like 24 hours just aren’t enough
Often business owners have a hard time delegating and end up doing the majority of the work themselves, or they spend endless amounts of time working out the best ways to do things. Having a business adviser on hand to give you valuable advice and steer you in the right direction can save you a lot of precious time.

Sign #4: You’re feeling overwhelmed
Whether it’s for the reasons outlined above or something different entirely, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when things don’t work out the way you planned – we are only human after all and there’s only so much one person can do. Sitting down with a business adviser and outlining your main concerns can go a long way towards lessening the stress and ensuring the good health of your business.

Sign #5: You’re stuck in a rut
You may not be feeling overwhelmed, but feeling stuck is just as detrimental to yourself and your business. If you feel like everything is going well and on an even keel but you’d like to increase productivity or profit, a business adviser can help you brainstorm ways to shake things up and grow. It doesn’t have to be a big change but anything that gets you excited and will ultimately help your company thrive should be a focus.

Sign #6: You need a fresh perspective
Even if you feel you’re on track, it’s always important to have a fresh, objective set of eyes to look over your current situation and your plans for the future. A business adviser is perfect for acting as a springboard for new ideas and innovative ways to improve your business.


Ready for a fresh perspective on your business? Get in touch with our expert business advisory team today!


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